CEEME is a Special Employment Centre specialising in electronic assembly. As a division of the company, we are located at the Fermax Headquarters in Valencia.
90% of CEEME's employees are individuals with functional diversity, either due to mental illness, intellectual or physical disability.
Our mission is to promote the professional, social and personal integration of people with functional diversity through a job, resulting in an optimal product and a fully realised person.
Work and functional diversity can go hand-in-hand.
In the life of the people who make up the CEEME team there is a high degree of realisation.
To achieve our goals, we approach our mission along four work areas:
Our workers' tasks include assembling electronic equipment, packaging of the finished product and selective recovery of used equipment.
We offer leisure and cultural activities for our employees and their families as well as work-life balance activities to complement work and family life.
We offer psychological, physiotherapeutic and nutritional counselling to promote the well-being of our employees. We promote healthy habits, exercise, ecological culture and solidarity.
We provide the most suitable courses for our workers' professional and personal growth. We arrange courses for other companies on Continuous Improvement and Emotional Intelligence.